KM ACRYLIC ELASTOMERIC TTS-230C Patch is a premium 100% Acrylic Smooth Elastomeric Sealant that can be used on a wide variety of interior and exterior surfaces, delivering superior adhesion and durability. KM ACRYLIC ELASTOMERIC forms an elastomeric bond that is airtight, water resistant seal and offers protection from environmental conditions. KM ACRYLIC ELASTOMERIC is low odor, easy to apply and features soap and water clean up.
- 100% Acrylic Elastomeric Smooth Patch
- Exceeds Fed. Spec TTS-00230C, Type S, Class B, ASTM C-920, Grade NS, Class 12.5, use NT, M, G, A and O, ASTM C-834 type OP, Grade -18C.
- For interior or exterior use
- Once cured the bead is paintable, mildew and UV resistant.
- Repairs Cracks in: Repairs Cracks in: Masonry, Stucco, Tilt-Wall, Cement Fiber Board, and More